The Game - 2005-12-25
Game 2 of 5

The Game, 2005-12-25 - Game 2
Five people (a group that included engineers, artists and musicians) played the following game:

The first person writes a sentence.  The second person draws a picture intended to convey the meaning of the sentence.  The third person, who sees only the picture, writes a new sentence that says what he or she thinks the picture is saying.  The next person turns that sentence into another picture, and so on alternating between sentences and pictures until the page is full.  Then everyone gets to see how the meaning has "drifted", and even more amazingly, how some concepts have remained (e.g. the mechanical and toy aspects in the example below).  Here is the second of our five game cards:

1.  A Finn gets crazy over North American yuletide Xmas kitch stuff.


3.  The sound of the mechanical grasshopper overshadowed the other toys.


5.  The mechanical monster was fiercely advancing to attack the toy cows that boys had made in the forest.


7.  Only by killing goats could the converged device escape his own shadow..

[End of Game Card 2]

Click here for Game Card 3
Page last modified 2006-04-30
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